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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Does it Bring You Joy? By Michele Malone-Singer

  This is the time of year when we all start thinking about our New Year's Resolutions.  Do we want to work less, make more money, lose weight, get rid of the clutter - or all of the above? 

  I read a book this last year that changed the way I live - "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up", by Marie Kondo.  In this impactful book, Kondo encourages people to pull all items of like type together and  touch each item asking:  "Does it bring me joy?" It seems like a silly question to ask when you are standing in the middle of your bedroom touching every sweater you own, but it really works.

  You might wonder why an interior designer is talking to you about your sweaters. Well, I'm getting to that. The goal is to let go of things that don't serve you. The old adage "less is more" really is true. This same approach can be used with our furniture and accessories. Ah, now you see the connection!

  Bay area real estate is at a premium. Many of us would love to have a new or bigger home. Uncluttering your home - getting rid of all of those things we keep because we feel like we should and not because we truly love them - is a huge first step in loving the home you live in. The key sometimes is just clearing out the stuff you don't use and purchasing key items that make your space work.

  Do you have a room in your home that has become the storage spot for the elliptical or kids toys? There are lots of effective and easy apps for your phone (OfferUp and Letgo) where you can easily snap a picture with your phone and list items for sale. There are also professional organizers that can help you clear items out and get organized. Some items might need to be carefully wrapped and stored in a box until you want to give it to the kids or bring it back into the house.

  A room previously filled with kids toys might need to be carefully edited, keeping only those items they play with. Adding a new sofa or sectional, storage ottoman, and a rug can transform it into a family space. 

  Updating your lighting - a floor lamp next to the sofa or a better light by the bed - can create a cozy reading area to enjoy that book you have been putting off reading.

  Often times, open bookcases and built in shelves become a place to store too many books and knick knacks. To create an eye-pleasing display, think of mixing up the heights and textures on the shelves. Do you want the shelves symmetrical or asymmetrical? Lay some of the books on their side and place others vertically. If you don't have any books that are visually interesting, you can cover ones you have in an interesting fabric or hit a local antique fair or flea market to pick up some gems. Need to hide books or games? Consider adding doors to the lower open shelves of a built-in for a designer flair. 

  Your home should be your sanctuary - the place where you go to recharge, entertain, and feel nourished. Once you have made the decision to let go of things that aren't working, you might find that you need some new artwork, accessories, window treatments, or furnishings - we are here to help you.

  We can make sure that the colors and textures - on everything from your walls to your window treatments, flooring, and furnishings, and bedding - are in line with how you want your home to feel.

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