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Monday, February 27, 2017


 There is a state in Tango when everything flows flawlessly - each motion balanced and synchronized. To achieve this state of connection, the complicated footwork must be executed smoothly and mindfully.
 This flawless performance is achieved only after countless hours of practice, gaining experience. The dancers are willing to dedicate themselves and are in sink with each other. 

Great design requires a similar dedication! 

 The dancer performs, the artist paints, the designer creates an environment. Each has their art form and all strive for a "flawless performance". They live for the applause..... "the roar of the crowd"; however, we want our clients to be our biggest fans! 

 As interior designers, our palette is not the stage or ballroom floor, it is the structure itself; the client's home is our stage, our canvas. A flawless execution is only achieved if you the client, the "audience", is pleased with the performance; the creation of a beautiful space. 

 A truly unique design is a collaboration of all elements; architecture, lighting, furniture layout, color, pattern, and the finishing touch....accessorizing. The designer is a choreographer, and their job is to arrange all the elements of design in a cohesive, functional and aesthetically pleasing manner. Every step forward is critical and taken mindfully; creating total unity.

 As the choreographer, the designer must orchestrate every step and each persons roll in the project is critical in achieving a flawless performance. The "performance" begins with the construction process and only ends when the last accessory has been placed. 

 As an interior designer it is my responsibility to challenge myself, as well as my client; to seek out the best. The experienced designer has a vision and knows, for example, when a wall needs a piece of art and when it should be blank, creating open space.

 I dedicate myself; I owe it to my clients, as well as to myself. I challenge myself; focusing on my client's needs, expectations, and trust. I respect my client and their project will be a success if there is a connection; a collaboration between us. This collaboration needs to be executed smoothly and mindfully.....synchronized, like a well-executed Tango. 

Every Step Counts! 

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